So, what is a vision board and why should you create one anyway? A vision board is basically a visual representation of your goals, dreams, ideas and feelings. It’s a fun and creative way to help you manifest the things you want for your life. And gone are the days when we were limited to a cork board and thumbtacks. These days you can use applications like Freeform or Canva to design beautiful digital vision boards to display across your devices.

What is your “why” for creating a vision board –
The first thing you want to do is think about why you want to create a vision board. Are you trying to reach a specific goal? Maybe you are training to run your first marathon, changing career paths or saving for financial freedom? Maybe you have a big event coming up and need a place to start organizing images and words to give you more clarity on how you want things to unfold. Your vision board could be a visual way to provide motivation to reach your health or fitness goals. Or, it could be a place of daily affirmation, somewhere where you can place your mantra or favorite quote.

Have fun creating your vision board –
There are no hard and fast rules here. Your board can be all images, all words or a combination of both. What is important is that it’s organized in a creative and attractive way so that you are drawn to it each day.
Make your board visually appealing. You can try choosing images that are of a similar color palette or print your quotes out in pretty and colorful fonts to place on your board. I have a recent blog post with gorgeous color palettes if you need a bit of inspiration, be sure to check it out. Maybe try adding in some texture with dried flowers, stickers or ribbon. Also, be sure to place it somewhere where you will see it every single day, you want it to be a constant reminder. And if you are creating a digital vision board you can try using it as your desktop or phone wallpaper in addition to printing it out.

My goal is to someday live in Hawaii. You can see below that my vision board is full of colors and images that remind me of the beauty of the Hawaiian Islands. The quote is from one of my favorite books, “West With the Night” by Beryl Markham. It reminds me that no matter how far off or distant my goal may seem, I WILL reach it.

Let me know if you have a vision board or any tips to share on designing one. I hope this post motivates you to create your own vision board and helps bring you closer to reaching your goals! Thank you for reading, please share this post with a friend and be sure to follow me on social media. Have a wonderful day!